You know, this game might be like 25 years old. But, there's a reason people still talk about it, And I think I can tell why.
It's fun. Really damn fun. Like the kind of fun you might hi-five another person over.
Yeah, that much fun.
To be honest Space Hulk has always looked the same way to me, before I played it. And if you haven't played it, then let me show you what it looks like.

Wow, that looks like a fucking science project. It looks like you'd never even get to the point where whatever is happening there is happening. There are like a million tiny pieces everywhere. Fuck this shit, lets play scrabble.
So, if you've braved the cavernous reaches of the space hulk, or if your friend was somehow able to rope you into playing. You find something out really fast. There are like 4 total rules. After only a few turns of play you've got a complete handle of whats happening. And what is happening? Well...
As the Space Marine player you take control of a squad of real mo'fos who have to do a variety of missions within the derelict space-catastrophe-craft "Space Hulk."
If you're the aliens, your job is just to use your massive waves of blood thirsty razorblade monsters to stop the space marines.
Here's a feel for what it's like.

Yeah, look at that crazy shit!
The true strategy and fun of Space Hulk comes from the fact that the games is supremely simple, but because of the narrow board spaces a tactical player can get a lot of things going to their advantage. Like the closer a space marine gets to a corner, the more dangerous it becomes because an alien could just leap up out of there and cut their faces off .
That's another thing about Space Hulk that's great. Within the first few mission turns it will seem like the space marines have it made, they have guns and the aliens do not. And the aliens will have to traverse long lonely hallways to get to the space marines.
But once they get to the marines, the marines are brown bread.
The current iteration of the game comes with 9 missions. That is 8 more than Risk.
But because of the limited nature of it's release you're going to be paying over $120 for it on ebay. If you're into 40k, this is a MUST have. If you're into awesome analog entertainment with amazing quality game pieces and game play. You also need this.
If you know someone who has Space Hulk sitting in their basement and you've never agreed to play it with them, go do that. NOW.
So, if you've braved the cavernous reaches of the space hulk, or if your friend was somehow able to rope you into playing. You find something out really fast. There are like 4 total rules. After only a few turns of play you've got a complete handle of whats happening. And what is happening? Well...
As the Space Marine player you take control of a squad of real mo'fos who have to do a variety of missions within the derelict space-catastrophe-craft "Space Hulk."
If you're the aliens, your job is just to use your massive waves of blood thirsty razorblade monsters to stop the space marines.
Here's a feel for what it's like.

Yeah, look at that crazy shit!
The true strategy and fun of Space Hulk comes from the fact that the games is supremely simple, but because of the narrow board spaces a tactical player can get a lot of things going to their advantage. Like the closer a space marine gets to a corner, the more dangerous it becomes because an alien could just leap up out of there and cut their faces off .
That's another thing about Space Hulk that's great. Within the first few mission turns it will seem like the space marines have it made, they have guns and the aliens do not. And the aliens will have to traverse long lonely hallways to get to the space marines.
But once they get to the marines, the marines are brown bread.
The current iteration of the game comes with 9 missions. That is 8 more than Risk.
But because of the limited nature of it's release you're going to be paying over $120 for it on ebay. If you're into 40k, this is a MUST have. If you're into awesome analog entertainment with amazing quality game pieces and game play. You also need this.
If you know someone who has Space Hulk sitting in their basement and you've never agreed to play it with them, go do that. NOW.