Wednesday, December 14, 2011

News Flash! Sisters Get FAQED. (Mostly in the A)

Domo's here to bring us the latest on the developing Sisters of Battle FAQ story. He say's the story is, that there IS no story. The FAQ is shorter than GW's two paragraph rant about perfection. And it doesn't really do anything bad for the book. Nothing that really matters to be sure. I wonder why they even bothered to write it up, I mean they only bothered to write half a codex for the Sisters in the first place so why not just leave it at that? Well either way, It made me revisited Sisters thoughts. I had a bunch of attempts at Mech, but it doesn't seem like getting too close the enemy is something sisters want to do intentionally. My hybrid lists did a bit of winning until people stopped shooting at my giant squad of sisters and took out exorcists and dominions instead. So I went back to the drawing board once again.
Sisters of Battle Army List: Footers of Faith.

Jacob- 90pts
Kyrinov- 90pts

Battle Sisters- 265pts
20 Battle Sisters,
2 Melta Guns

Battle Sisters- 265pts
20 Battle Sisters,
2 Melta Guns

Battle Sisters- 265pts
20 Battle Sisters,
2 Melta Guns

Battle Sisters- 265pts
20 Battle Sisters,
2 Melta Guns
Battle Sisters- 255pts
20 Battle Sisters,
2 Flamers

Battle Sisters- 255pts
20 Battle Sisters,
2 Flamers

Retributors- 121pts
8 Retributors
4 Heavy Bolters

Retributors- 121pts
8 Retributors
4 Heavy Bolters

1994~ Pts.

There we go. 136 3+ 6++ Fearless Sisters with 8 Heavy Bolters, 8 Melta Guns, and 4 Flamers. It might need more melta, but your opponent is going to have a hard time shooting through 18. Sisters at a time to get to your delicious melta gun centers. More importantly you're going to have 20 Feel no Pain girls out in front to keep concealment on the people behind. And if you put Kyrinov in the right place you can get Fearless on all the girls, except the one's who are stubborn, they don't need it. Just move up to mid-field and shoot it out, or just march into their faces if their a gun line. The biggest con of this list is OMG 136 SISTERS! I don't want to admit that I have more than that... But most sane people don't and unless people just give them to you (Like they did for me thanks :P) then you're going to be dropping some mad duckets on 3 sisters for ~$12.


  1. I can never seem to get my posts to be formatted in a way that doesn't make me look like a jack-ass.

  2. You're just a jack-ass though!

    But you are very right. Sisters, as I've told you before, seem like an after-thought from GW. Like, "Oh shit! there are still people playing that army!?!? are some new rules???? and a codex??? naww, we'll just rehash old shit and release the rules in a White Dwarf"

  3. Yeah for sure.
    Especially since they have some of the oldest and easily most expensive current models. The WD codex was a rough deal, and the hopeful side of me says that it was a WIP of the real Sisters book, but the GW Fan in me says that this is all they wanted to do with them.
    The sad part is the older sisters book wasn't even's actually pretty good.

  4. On an un-related note, I should be a guest contributor. just sayin
