Sunday, November 27, 2011

Project Tau: Hyper Dimensional Fortress 40,000

There has been almost 2 weeks between posts. But the holidays aren't the most conducive to blogging or 40k. But I've been abuzz with the new Tau Codex rumors that have been circulating throughout the internet. These juicy tidbits about giant battle suits and an all battle suit army has really got my imagination train crashing at full speed. So I've decided to build a new tau army based on those sweet animes we know and love.

First of all let me say, finding models/toys from mecha anime lines that are the right size was not theeasiest task, each scale is almost worthless seeing as a 40k doesn't really have a scale, and most gundams and other robots are supposed to be giant so getting the same scale as 40k wouldn't work. So it comes down to buying a few test kits and seeing if they fit or not. Those are on their way, so pics will be coming soon.

The two test models I got were:
A 1/44 scale Votom Scopedog, it's exactly the same type of battlesuit as the crisis suits are, meaning it's only go room in it's torso head for one pilot who controls the suit. So if it doesn't turn out to be too big it will be the perfect basis for my crisis suits.

A 1/200 scale Guntank, since it's weapons load out and "grounded" tank tracks make it a perfect Broadside replacement.

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